Sunday, February 26, 2006

Iran,Russia Nuclear Deal

On Monday, Iranian negotiators met in Moscow to determine Russia's offer to let Iran enrich uranium with Russian help and on Russian territory. However Iran was hesitant to this offer because they believe they have the right to enrich uranium on their own land. Iran wishes to keep using enriched uranium in order to produce energy, but many countries fear Iran will use the enriched uranium to make nuclear weapons. Monday ended with Iran neither accepting or declining the offer by the Russians, instead they said the talking would continue on this matter.On Thursday a break through in the Iranian Russian agreement came about, Iran said that they must resolve some key issues before they agree to the proposals of the Russians. This clearly shows that Iran was taking careful consideration to accept the agreement.

Finnaly, on Sunday Iran announced that it had accepted the agreement that the Russians had offered on building their nuclear reactors and making enriched uranium on Russian soil. By accepting this agreement, Iran insured that the UN security counsil can not act on Iran about having enriched uranium made in Iran, Iran still says its intentions is to make nuclear energy but the United States is still convinced that it will try to make weapons with it. The reason that Russia proposed this agreement is it is one of the largest trading nations with Iran, and if Iran were to suffer with sanctions, Russia's trading would also go down because it trades with Iran so much. By Iran and Russia being allies, this could mean more trouble if military action were ever to be considered, hopefully other methods will be found to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bird Flu scare

In Bombay India, Farm workers and Health officials, killed thousands of chickens and other poultry items, on Sunday, after hearing that the day before a poultry farm owner was killed. The farm owner was said to have had the bird flu symptoms, but the assumption was not confirmed. The bird flu remains to be a scare in the whole world. In Italy, six swans and one duck were found dead of the H5N1 bird flu, because of the recent findings of bird flu in Italy, poultry selling in Italy has dropped 70%, if not stopped many of the poultry owners in Italy could lose their companies. Another country that joined in killing birds to stop the spread of bird flu from infecting more poultry, was Germany who killed many birds on a Baltic Sea island to prevent bird flu from spreading. France with India on Sunday said that they had both recieved for the first time a case of the bird flu within poultry. The bird flu has killed 91 people since 2003 most of the cases were recorded in Asia, and still the threat of the bird flu becoming a pandemic still makes the world cautious and scared. Iam glad many countries have taken certain precautions to avoid the spread of the bird flu, hopefully a pandemic will not happen, we can only hope that God will keep us safe.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Vice President shoots Fellow Hunter

On Saturday, Vice President Dick Cheney, accidently shot 78 year old Harry Whittington, on a hunting trip. Harry was hunting quail on Saturday with Cheney, at Armstrong Ranch in south Texas, when he was shot. Armstrong who was with Cheney and Harry, but decided to stay in the car said Harry shot a bird and went to retrieve it, and Cheney and another hunter went to find more quail. Harry failed to tell of his position and announce that he was behind the group, when the quails flushed Cheney fired, but Harry was 30 yards away and in line with the shot and recieved birdshot in the face and chest area from Cheney's 28-gauge shotgun. Armstrong said it was a complete accident that Cheney shot Hary because he didn't see him, and Harry failed to let them know were he was.
When Harry was shot the vice president, secret service and some friends rushed to his side, he was knocked down but not seriously injured, he was rushed to the hospitatl by a ambulance that was standing by at Armstrong's ranch. Cheney visited Harry on Sunday and was pleased that he was doing well.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Six Churches burned in Alabama and Frozen WWII airman found

Alabama Churches

On Thursday night, in Bibb County in Alabama, six Churches were found burning, all of them were near the U.S. 82 and 139 Highways. Five out of the six fires are suspected to have been set on purpose by arsonists, three were destroyed and two were badly damaged, all of the Churches were in a 15 to 20 mile radius of each other. It is still uncertain how many were involved in these burnings, no arrest were made.

The fires were said to have been lit one after the other, it is still unclear why anyone wanted to set the Churches on fire, no motive could be found, even though in 1996 racial factors were a big part in arsonists attacks, but despite this background, racism is said not to be the factor in this case because both white and black Churches were burned. On Friday, Govenor Bob Riley spoke infront of Ashby Baptist Church, he said the Churches plan to rebuild and repair the damages, he also stated that a $10,000 total reward was being offered in the investigation of the burnings, he aslo stated that even though it may seem bad that the Churches were burned it may turn out to be a blessing from God, because now they can rebuild the Churches better than ever.

Frozen WWII airman

In October, two climbers found a body encased in ice in the bottom of a glacier in the Sierra Nevada, according to specialist the man was believed to be an airman whose plane crashed in 1942. The airman was believed to be a WWII airman that was on a Navagational training plane before it crashed. The body was taken to Honolulu, Hawaii, to be studied at the POW/MIA Accounting Command, which is the largest foerensic crime lab in the world, two weeks ago the investigation began, they said that he died immediately upon impact, they tried to find out who he was by examining what he had on him and by DNA. The man was wearing a WWII Air Force uniform, a nameplate which had been corroded, a black broken comb, some dimes, and some address books that were to decomposed to provide useful information. Finnaly the specialists took DNA samples of the family members of the soldiers who were in the plane through elimination, the soldier was identified as Air Corps cadet Leo Mustonen, a 22 year old that went missing in November 18, 1942, Mustonen's niece, Leane Mustonen was relieved to hear the news that they had found her uncle, and so they will bury the body next to his parents in Brainerd.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Operation Desert Storm

Operation Desert Storm was the name of the attack that took place against Iraqi troops that were in Kuwait. The reason that this attack took place is that Sadamm Hussein invaded its neighbor Kuwait without a justified reason, their reason was that Kuwait was slant drilling into the Iraqi oil fields, and pushing down the price of oil, which Iraq needed to have high prices of oil so it could pay off its debt for the cost of the Iran-Iraq war. As a result Saddam invades Kuwait on August 2, 1990.

America with the support of the UN told Saddam his actions were unjustified and gave him the order to withdraw troops from Kuwait or military force would be implied to force him out of Kuwait.Saddam did not listen to the orders of the UN so on January 17, 1991 at 2:38 in the morning Operation FDesert Storm began with several missile strikes followed by multiple air attacks and last the ground troops were sent in and finished the job. On Febuary 27, Kuwait was declared liberated and President Bush signed a cease-fire the next day the mission was accomplished as far as Kuwait being liberated but I think we should have went farther and took out Sadamm when he was crippled and afraid.