Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Operation Desert Storm

Operation Desert Storm was the name of the attack that took place against Iraqi troops that were in Kuwait. The reason that this attack took place is that Sadamm Hussein invaded its neighbor Kuwait without a justified reason, their reason was that Kuwait was slant drilling into the Iraqi oil fields, and pushing down the price of oil, which Iraq needed to have high prices of oil so it could pay off its debt for the cost of the Iran-Iraq war. As a result Saddam invades Kuwait on August 2, 1990.

America with the support of the UN told Saddam his actions were unjustified and gave him the order to withdraw troops from Kuwait or military force would be implied to force him out of Kuwait.Saddam did not listen to the orders of the UN so on January 17, 1991 at 2:38 in the morning Operation FDesert Storm began with several missile strikes followed by multiple air attacks and last the ground troops were sent in and finished the job. On Febuary 27, Kuwait was declared liberated and President Bush signed a cease-fire the next day the mission was accomplished as far as Kuwait being liberated but I think we should have went farther and took out Sadamm when he was crippled and afraid.


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