Sunday, February 26, 2006

Iran,Russia Nuclear Deal

On Monday, Iranian negotiators met in Moscow to determine Russia's offer to let Iran enrich uranium with Russian help and on Russian territory. However Iran was hesitant to this offer because they believe they have the right to enrich uranium on their own land. Iran wishes to keep using enriched uranium in order to produce energy, but many countries fear Iran will use the enriched uranium to make nuclear weapons. Monday ended with Iran neither accepting or declining the offer by the Russians, instead they said the talking would continue on this matter.On Thursday a break through in the Iranian Russian agreement came about, Iran said that they must resolve some key issues before they agree to the proposals of the Russians. This clearly shows that Iran was taking careful consideration to accept the agreement.

Finnaly, on Sunday Iran announced that it had accepted the agreement that the Russians had offered on building their nuclear reactors and making enriched uranium on Russian soil. By accepting this agreement, Iran insured that the UN security counsil can not act on Iran about having enriched uranium made in Iran, Iran still says its intentions is to make nuclear energy but the United States is still convinced that it will try to make weapons with it. The reason that Russia proposed this agreement is it is one of the largest trading nations with Iran, and if Iran were to suffer with sanctions, Russia's trading would also go down because it trades with Iran so much. By Iran and Russia being allies, this could mean more trouble if military action were ever to be considered, hopefully other methods will be found to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.


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