Sunday, November 19, 2006

Amendments 9-13 of the Constitution

The 9-10 amendments are the last amendments that are part of the Bill of Rights, the Bill of rights are basically laws that prevent the government from limiting our personal rights and freedoms. The 9th amendment of the Constitution is the Unenumerated Rights, it states that there are still other rights that people have, that are not stated in the Constitution, and that the government can not use the Constitution to limit or deny the people of the other rights that they have just because they are not in the Constitution. The 9th Amendment basically states "The fact that the Constitution sets out many civil rights guarantees, expressly provides for many protections against government, does not mean that there are not other rights also held by the people." (McClenaghan) The 10th amendment is the Powers Reserved to the States, and is the last amendment of the Bill Of Rights, it basically states that there should be a balance of power between the federal government and the states, this amendment limits the power of the federal government, to what it states in the Constitution, the powers not listed are then given to the states. The powers of the states were basically left for the federal and state governments to decide, on what was meant by the reserved powers that the state was supposed to have, this is what the 10th amendment basically says. The 11th amendment of the Constitution is the Suits against States, it states that a State can not be sued by a foreign country or by one of its own residents, or by a resident of another state. Basically "This amendment specifically prohibits federal courts from hearing cases in which a state is sued by individuals from another state or country." (Ritchie) The 12th amendment of the Constitution is the Election of President and Vice President, it states that the President and Vice President should not be from the same state, it also states that now a person shall submit two votes one for President and the other for the Vice President, this amendment also allowed the parties to nominate a team for President and Vice President. The 12th amendment also states that if the Electoral College fails to elect a President, the House will select the President from the top three candidates, and the Senate will select the Vice President and lastly it talks about extending the requirements fro being president, most be a born citizen, 35 and must have been in the United States for 14 years, these are also the requirements for the Vice President. The 13th amendment is the Slavery and Involuntary Servitude, it states that slavery or any involuntary service is forbidden in the United States and in any other areas under its control, unless this process is used as punishment for a crime, this is basically what the 13th amendment says.

Work Cited entry

McClenaghan, A., William. Magruder’s American Government. Department of Political Science Oregon State University Prentice Hall Needham, Massachusetts 1989.

Peltason, J.W. Understanding The Constitution. Copyright (c) 1982 by CBS College Publishing 383 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017

Ritchie, A. Donald. Our Constitution. (c) 2006 by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016

The Constitution Of The United States Of America. U.S. Government Printing Office Washington : 1976


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Still Thinking said...

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