Continuation of Immigration rallies
On Saturday, with the expected immigration marches on Monday, many meat markets, and other companies, decided that they would close on Monday do to the expected number of workers that would participate in the protests. The protest on Monday is supposed to be one of the largest, all people were called to skip work and avoid shopping, just to show the economic power of immigrants. Because of these protests by immigrants, many government officials with Mexican heritages, were sent death threats. For instance the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Lt. Gov. Bustamente, were sent death threats. The reason these threats were sent apparently were that Villaragosa and Bustamente attended one of the immigration rallies. Also the two officials are against making immigrants criminals if they are not legal, this view could have also led to the death threats that were sent. But these two officials are not the only one standing up for immigrants, recently Govenor Schwarzenegger has changed his view of helping immigrats. The Govenor is now against the idea of constructing a border fence between San Diego and Tijuana, he is now for immigrants. Another person who is for immigrants and who is trying to help is the President, he is against making immigrants criminals, but instead is calling for a guest worker program which would allow illigeals to stay and work for a time, but he is having a hard time with Congress passing it. Because of all the concern of illegal immigrants, more and more immigrants are asking and learning how to become legal citizens, but all agree that they should not be treated like criminals, but instead should be given a chance at citizenship.
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