Sunday, March 26, 2006


On Friday, thousands of people marched in protests and demonstrations against the government cracking down on illegal immigrants. In protest, many places had work stoppages, also schools staged school walkouts. Many immigrants and people were very upset by the bill that was passed by the House of representatives, which makes it a felony to be an illegal immigrant, also the bill makes new penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants and it calls for more fences to be put up along the border. On Saturday, protests continued, with 500,000 protesters demonstrating in Los Angeles. Protestors wore white to symbolize peace also they carried a variety of Mexico, United States and other countries flags. Immigrants, are outraged that it would be a felony to be an illegal immigrant, they say that they have the right to a better life just as much as legal citizens. Many Hispanic people call this bill, inhumane an unfair do to the fact that they work very hard and are here just to work, in fact many clame that they are doing jobs that no other people would and so they have the right to be here. Overall the police reported that the 500,000 people protest in LA was pretty peaceful, no force was necessary to keep the crowd under control. The crowd just simply let the government know that this bill should not be passed and that there demonstation should acknowledge that fact.


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